How to find your North Star
Written by Alex Poeter
Because we live in times of so much uncertainty, it can be helpful to have a clear sense of direction. Having this North Star allows us to more easily tap into a deeper feeling of groundedness and purpose.
A great way to find our North Star is to be clear about our personal mission. So, I’d invite you to take a moment to reflect on the mission you want to live into. Try not to overthink this process. Your mission can be one sentence describing the purpose you want to pursue and embody.
For example, my mission right now reads like this: “My mission is to help individuals and organizations to find their true purpose, and to support them in identifying and removing whatever has been holding them back from living into their greater potential to create a positive impact on the world.”
If you notice yourself getting caught up in overthinking, just close your eyes for a moment and surrender to what wants to emerge from deep within you. You might be surprised by the wisdom and clarity that emerges. The key is to not worry so much about what others might think about your mission, but to understand that your mission is helping you to serve a greater cause.
Once you’re clear about your mission, I’d invite you to display it somewhere where you can see it often. I’d also invite you to take a minute at the beginning of each day to identify one thing you can do to live into your mission. Then, whenever you encounter a challenge or experience suffering as a result of what’s going on in the world, you can always know that you’re doing your part to help create a better world for all of us.