One of the most important questions to ask yourself

Written By Alex Poeter

Many of us have experienced suffering, loss, grief and fear over growing volatility in recent years, so of course we want to feel more hopeful that things will get better in the future.  However, with growing inflation, the increasing impact of climate change and continued political instability, it can be challenging to feel more hopeful and optimistic.  So, what to do?

One option is to see these challenges as an invitation to bring more love, greater courage, stronger leadership power, and a deeper sense of purpose.  So, my invitation to you is to take a moment to reflect on:

In one year from now, how would you know that you loved more, exhibited greater courage, grew as a leader, and lived more into your true purpose?

In other words, what would be the indicators or the proof that you used your skills, talents and power to have a greater and more positive impact on the world?  I’d invite you to take a moment to write down a couple sentences or bullet points to answer this question for yourself.  I’ll do it with you, right now…  Done?  I just did it – it took me three minutes.

Getting clear about how you intend to live more purposefully this year will help you to solicit the support of your brain (mind) so it can make you more aware of new opportunities and connect you to whatever resources you may need.  Having greater clarity about how you intend to live more fully into your true purpose will also make it more likely that this year will turn out to be a more meaningful and fulfilling experience for you.

Imagine what would happen if greater and greater numbers of people brought more love, greater courage, stronger leadership power, and a deeper sense of purpose this year.  Will you be one of those people?  And will you inspire others to do the same?
