Leading with Purpose

In my experience, leaders like you tend to seek coaching for one or more of the following reasons:

  • You’ve outgrown your current position or the organization you’re working for

  • You’ve discovered that you’re a much greater visionary and big picture thinker than your superiors

  • The values of the organization you’re working for no longer align with your personal values -- you feel like you’re out of integrity

  • You’ve plateaued in your leadership and professional development

  • You’re ready to launch your own organization or business -- you want to create what you haven’t been able to find out in the world

  • You’re ready for a job or career change

  • You feel that you’re not fully living into your true purpose and potential

  • You’re unhappy because what you can sense inside you is much bigger than the structures you’re working in on a daily basis -- this creates tension and friction

  • You’re too caught up in the minutia of your day-to-day work and have lost sight of your bigger vision and purpose

  • You’re caught up in limiting behaviors that keep you stuck, such as avoidance patterns, lack of ability to delegate, lack of self-confidence, procrastination, insecure thinking and more

  • The hierarchical structure you’re working in is limiting your growth

  • You lack passion, excitement, fulfillment, joy and creative freedom in your work

  • You know that there is a much bigger version inside of you, but you just don’t know how to unleash and express that version

  • You’ve been trying a number of different approaches to get unstuck, but nothing has really worked so far

If you can relate to any of these, you’re not alone. 

These are common barriers, and I’ve experienced every single one of them at some point in one form or another.  I can relate to what you might be struggling with. 

Here are some questions you might want to reflect on:

What are you risking by not breaking out of your current limitations?

What are you risking by not living into your true purpose and potential?

What will be lost to the world if you don’t step into the version you know you can be?

What would it look like to live into your true purpose and potential?

What will it feel like in your last moment on this earth if you knew that you’ve lived the fullest life possible?

What will it feel like in your last moment on this earth if you knew that you became the fullest expression of who you really are?

I believe that coaching is one of the most transformative forces on this earth.  It has helped me to become a much greater version of myself, and it’s continuing to do so.  And it can do the same for you.

The truth is that we get in our own way and we get stuck from time to time.  That’s part of the human experience.  However, we’re not meant to go it alone.  Coaching can help you become a much greater version of yourself.  It does this by acting as a mirror so that you can see your true potential, what’s holding you back or keeping you stuck, and what the path looks like towards living into your greatness.

If you’re serious about embarking on a journey of deep transformation, you can contact me to schedule a strategy session.